My Story





Live a Life that sets your soul on fire

I’ve learned to honor myself and step in to my courage, again and again and again.  I’ve learned to not only hear my intuition, but listen to it.  To use my voice, step up and in to my true power.  I’ve failed. A lot.

I’ve learned that nature and time in solitude are always my best medicine.  I have a wild heart and a passion for adventure.  Growing up in Alaska fishing and in the woods provided a foundation for high capacity and moving through adversity with ease.

What I didn’t know when I started was the unraveling and subsequent crash led to the most incredible grand rising.  It was and continues to be one of the most brutal journeys, but yet the most beautifully satisfying one.

To build a life and a business I love means I’ve had to go first.  To pave the way, and go deep within myself so that I can hold not only myself, but you when you feel called.  If you are hearing that voice that says, “is this it?” or “I want something more”  but feeling stifled, restricted, doubtful, caged… I would love to hear from you.

What I know for sure is that it’s worth it.  All of it.  The pain, the tears, the joy, and the deeply loving moments which often overlap.

I am honored to be here, standing alongside those who choose to step in, rise up, and honor the voice within that knows they are meant for more.

As a transformative coach, somatic breathwork practitioner, heart aligned mentor, former ER nurse and a woman in her power..I see you.  I would be honored to guide you, hold you, and celebrate you in your own becoming.

Over the years I’ve shared pieces of my story-one that continues to lead me in the direction of being a woman in her fullest and most authentic expression of self-living, being, and creating from a place of deep connection within.  My True North.

It is challenging to pinpoint when it began, but certainly this unraveling escalated when I became a mother to my beautiful son, Ole.  A compounding of betrayal, trauma, abandonment, and years of living from a place of push, I needed my life to be different.  My coaching business was born from a place of being truly cracked wide open…knees on the ground, asking what now? How do I do this as a single mother?  How can I be present, full, alive, and provide?

I leaned in, hard.  To my healing, to self investment, to doing the real work.  I wanted more for my son.  I wanted more for myself.  I wanted my son to know a mother who trusts herself, laughs and lives life fully.  Who chooses herself, him, and every opportunity to rise up.  Who doesn’t hold back, or stifle herself in any room, with any human, or any opportunity.  Who ultimately breaks free of the cage that has kept her small and quiet for far too long.  

It all began with my own unraveling